Services for individuals provided by KGT consulting include:
Career coaching: This will be tailored to your needs, according to your area of expertise.
Interview preparation coaching: Face-to-face 2 hour session where you will gain confidence, be challenged and learn new tips for a successful interview.
Networking coaching: Face-to-face 2 hour session on building your personal brand, online networking, face-to-face networking as well as formal and informal networking.
CV review: Email your CV and receive detailed advice on how to improve your CV and make it stand out! Look at my Tips section for free advice.
Cover letter review: Email your cover letter along with the job description and receive a tailored advice on how you can improve your cover letter. Look at my Tips section for free advice.
Personal profile review x2: Email your personal profile and receive improvement suggestions by return mail. Edit it yourself and send it back for final review.
Individual career coaching: This will be tailored to your needs, according to your area of expertise
Workshops: consult the Workshops menu for information on upcoming workshops.
Integration into the Netherlands: Face-to-face 3 hour session where you will get lots of tips and advice to make the settling in process as easy as possible.
Coaching can be carried out face-to-face or, for shorter sessions, by phone/Skype. Delivery of services for individuals will be within one week of receipt of payment. If a service is required within a shorter period of time, every effort will be made to accommodate you. However this will be subject to availability.